
Micro-internships are short-term virtual programs providing students opportunities to work on real-world projects while offering organisations instant access to fresh talent and innovative solutions. These programs are a win-win, addressing the evolving needs of both students and today's fast-moving organisations.

What are Micro-Internship at City as a School?

Micro-internships allow City as a School students to address real-world issues from actual organisations, honing their communication and problem-solving skills. For partnering organisations, working with 14-24-year-olds offers fresh perspectives on real challenges, making the experience mutually rewarding.

Steps to follow

What to expect

The micro-internship is short-term, lasting approximately 1-2 weeks. Organisations should tailor their expectations accordingly.

The aim is for the challenge to be real and feasible for the learners to work on within this timeframe.

Micro-internships are representative of actual work in the industry so that learners can get a feel for the kinds of activities they will be expected to do. They should also help them develop real-world skills.

Best Practices

Recommended Actions:
Pose a challenge that is clear and feasible within the available timeframe
Clarify the challenge during the initial kick-off meeting
Provide optional extra resources and your contact for student inquiries
Provide students with positive feedback and constructive criticism

📛 What Not to Do:
Do not present a complex challenge that cannot be addressed in the limited time
Do not hold students’ hands, allow them to tackle the challenge independently
Do not assign confidential tasks as student solutions will be publicly displayed on demo day


Question 1

What's the cost to me as an employer?

It's entirely free! Just list your micro-internship opportunities and we will connect you to prospective learners eager to tackle your challenges. If you wish to hire

Question 2

Do I have to give learners a position at my company after they complete the micro-internship?

No, you are not required to offer learners a position at your company upon their completion of the micro-internship. However, if you do think they are a good fit for your company we take a $1500 flat fee on any roles or opportunities you offer to to them.